Wolcott, NY Dentist
abscess – severe and/or chronic localized inflammation in the gum tissue or at the tooth root that usually presents with infection, swelling, pain, and pus, and can cause damage to surrounding teeth and bone if left untreated
abutment – a natural tooth or dental implant that is used to support a fixed or removable dental prosthesis
acid etching – preparation of tooth enamel or dentin surface by the use of an acidic chemical to ensure successful bonding
acrylic resin – compound that may be used to fabricate dental prosthetics, such as denture teeth and crowns
ADA – American Dental Association, an organization of professional dentists within the United States, commonly known for providing public dental health education
adhesion – part of the bonding process, characterized by chemical or physical agents connecting two or more surfaces with or without the use of adhesive
adhesive – any substance that causes two or more surfaces to maintain connection with one another for an indefinite period of time
air abrasion – the use of a tool that blasts air and abrasive material at a tooth to remove small amounts of tooth structure
alloy/amalgam – compound made up of two or more elements and containing properties not found in the individual elements
alveolar – part of the jaw bone where teeth are anchored
anesthesia (local) – medication used to block pain in one area for treatment
anesthesia (general) – medication used to induce partial or complete unconsciousness during treatment
anterior – refers to teeth or tissues in the front part of the mouth
ANUG – Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis, a condition characterized by small ulcers in the gums and aggravated by stress or smoking
apex – tip of the tooth root
apicoectomy – surgical amputation of a tooth root to treat a dead tooth
appliance – oral device such as braces, mouth guards, or retainers
arch – curved structure of upper or lower teeth
archwire – metal wire used in braces to guide teeth into proper alignment
arthrogram – diagnostic x-ray involving injection of contrast dye into joint to view the bone structures
artificial crown – prosthetic tooth restoration that covers or replaces a tooth, may attach to partial tooth or dental implant
attrition – natural wear causing loss of structure
augmentation – procedure that treats a deficiency of soft tissue or bone structure
avulsion/evulsion – removal of tooth from socket due to trauma